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Lo UAO de la Semana

The Honor Roll Ceremony

The languages Institute of Autonoma University celebrated the Honor Roll Ceremony on May 2 nd. This event recognizes the effort and dedication of the students at Autonoma University, who stand out for their remarkable academic performance in English classes.

For the 23rd version of “The Honor Roll’, 55 students who obtained an average equal or greater to 4.7, and a record of zero absences  were recognized in these three categories: Director’s Award of Excellence, Director’s Honor Roll, And Valedictorian.

As it is traditional, each semester The Valedictorian is chosen, who this time was Katherine Mafla Zarza, a student of Environmental engineering who, in addition to her excellent academic development culminated her English learning process of five levels. This recognition is a sign that excellence is always possible, but achieving it requires effort.

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Universidad Autónoma de Occidente

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