El gobierno de la India, a través del Icetex, ofrece varias becas de estudio, a las que puedes aplicar hasta el 15 de enero de 2018.
Ingresa aquí y digita el código de la convocatoria que de tu interés:
- International programme in banking and finance, focus: risk management: 2251218
- Specialized training programme in multimedia & web design technology: 2251318
- Specialized programme on web application development using .net: 2251418
- Certificate course in operations management: 2251518
- ITP on human capabilities: 2251618
- Trainers training on promotion of self employment and skill development: 2251718
- Rural credit for poverty reduction: 2251818
- Management of rural employment projects and poverty alleviation: 2251918
- Health security and protection of workers: 2252018
- 15 month executive post graduate diploma in management: 5204318
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